Anybody reading that knows me in real life would probably be pretty assured that I was firmly planted on my couch watching my Seahawks on Monday Night football. If you didn’t think I was watching the game, you probably assumed I was there at the game. Not tonight though.
So I try to do daddy-daughter dates with my girls for Christmas time for the last couple of years. This is the week we decided to do it. I want to say this is the week we had time to do it, but really I don’t. Sometimes you just have to forfeit the things you want to do or even those things you’re obligated to do for those rare, special times that you have the privilege of being dad. Daddy-daughter dates are a privilege and I will take them out on dates for as long as they’ll let me.
Tonight was Rebekah. I learned so much about my six-year-old kindergartner and how she sees the world. She told me that the third president was Thomas Jefferson and he lived in a house named Monticello and our president now named his house “The White House”. Bekah told me, “Presidents’ get to name houses. I want to be president so I can name a house.”
Then she asked if I was driving the speed limit. I told her we were going less than the speed limit because I was behind someone going slow. A second later, I sped up a bit.
“Are we going the speed limit now?”
“Yes,” I said, “Right on the speed limit.”
Bekah sighed, “Ahhh, the speed limit is sooo comfortable.”
We went to place in Lacey called Charlie’s Safari. It is a huge indoor play land with a dozen inflatables, a three-story jungle gym with slides, and an enormous arcade. Basically, it is heaven on earth for a six-year-old. We jumped and slid and climbed and did it again and again. I chased that girl all over the place as she constantly beckoned me, “C’mon!”, “Watch me!”, “Follow me!”. It was awesome. I nearly couldn’t stand by the end of it all.
As we were there, I noticed another couple that was chasing around their 2-year old daughter. Her dad was still in his Army uniform. That soldier was being very cuddly with his wife as well, not inappropriately, but noticeably. I asked him if he was going to be taking some leave for the holidays. He told me he just started his leave. He just got home. Literally just got home – they had just come from the airport and he was here until Dec 26, then back to Afganistan. He never stopped holding his wife’s hand the hold time. It was amazing. I did something I don’t normally do to people in tpublic; I asked if I could pray for their family. Sgt & Mrs Royal looked at each and said they would love that. There was not a dry eye in the place.
Bekah and I left and got dessert and chatted more about the important matters of the day like how much she loves kindergarten and how her school is the best school because they have a play toy, monkey bars, AND a music teacher.
Everything about tonight reminded me how blessed I am to be in the family that God gave me. I would miss 100 Seahawks games for another night like tonight.
Climbing to the slide.
The Slide!
She loved this long orange slide from the top of the structure.
I can't believe she's nearly 4 feet tall
Bekah and Daddy at the top!
Dad is pretty tuckered out.