Our family

Our family

Monday, August 15, 2011

Adventures in Texas... Part 4

I can't even believe that we have been here almost 4 weeks. It seems like just yesterday and at the same time it feels like we have been here forever. We are so comfortable and having such a great time. 2 weeks from right now the kiddos and I will be on a plane headed back home. There is still so much we want to do in that time. I hope we can get it all in!

This last week has of course been so fun, just like the ones before it. Tuesday night we decided to do Six Flags in the evening because over the summer they have a laser lights and fireworks celebration at 9pm. So, we got there around 6, rode some rides and then enjoyed the fireworks. They do an awesome celebration of Texas show which is projected up on a big rock wall. It was very cool!

The kids and I enjoyed a day at the San Antonio Zoo this week. They had so many fun exhibits. The kids loved the flamingos, the butterfly house and Lory Landing. Lory Landing is a bird house full of these exotic birds called lories. The lories are flying around and you can actually feed them. If you look back at the pictures, Bethany had one hopping all over her. It was pretty funny.

Saturday we went to experience a real Texas gem.....a rodeo! It was so cool. It is just like you see on TV and in the movies. These crazy guys get out there and ride these huge crazy bulls. It is so fun to watch. They also had barrell racing, calf roping and "muttin bustin". Rebekah has decided if we go back she wants to try muttin bustin. They take these little kids and put them on sheep. The kids have pads and helmets on and ride out holding on to the sheep as long as they can. We'll have to see if she actually goes through with it:-)

Sunday was a very fun day. After church we went to El Mercato, which is a huge Mexican market in San antonio. There are so many shops of beautiful pottery, clothes, and other trinkets. We definitely enjoyed walking around there. After that we headed out to visit with the pastor & his wife from down here. They were so nice to invite us over for the evening. They live right on an area off the Guadalupe River and have a boat where Wil tried to teach Doug how to wakeboard and the kids enjoyed swimming and riding on the tube. We enjoyed a lovely dinner outside where we were able to talk about ministry ideas! Such a fun night!

I continue to thoroughly enjoy Texas. The heat really doesn't bother me too much, although I am finding it pointless to wear makeup almost anywhere. It drips right off the minute you step outside:-) I also love the trees and landscaping. There are several houses near us that I always admire the landscaping on, but Doug is quick to remind me that if it grows here, it probably won't grow in Washington:-)

We love and miss all of you and hope you are all having a wonderful summer!!!

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